Evaluation 2

 Q2 How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

My product which is a Flower magazine, has used many attractive features to keep the audience engaged in the product. The most important feature of the magazine is the cover image, there is a Extreme Close up of a flower in pink leave petals as the main source of the magazines representation. I have featured this Flower design on the cover page because from my extensive research it was concluded that these sort of 'Close up images of Flowers' attracts audience’s attention and they tend to place orders.

In order for my magazine to be successful, I must make sure to know exactly what my target audience requires, that was made possible by carrying out market research in the shape of an online questionnaire targeted to people around the ages 18-25 years and according to their feedback I was able to add content that I knew would appeal to them. The color scheme used in both the cover and the double page spread has been kept minimal by using neutral colors or simple colors, such as shades of green and orange and grey because the attention is intended by a large audience, and engaging every age group as much as possible has been the prime objective this technique was concluded after the extensive research I did on the target audience.


The language used in the magazine is to the point and formal, with no use of any slangs. I want the audience to get the real meaning or the intended meaning, in other words preferred reading was used in the simplest way possible towards the audience that they are easily interpreted and understood by mass audience. And this was done by using closed texts for the Coverlines.

Distribution of the magazine has been kept in mind while developing the final product. The magazine will be published online because users are digital natives and want their product available online and on every platform, this will even reach a mass audience. The online magazine can be more engaging and interactive as two way communication is possible between the reader and the author by giving feedback or questions related to the magazine. 

Magazine can attract more readers, and since it’s a Flower magazine, selling it at the Spring festivals or streets can target the intended audience. Since its targeting a mass audience, the prices will be kept affordable by all age groups, keeping the demographics in mind.

In conclusion distribution of the magazine as a real media text can be done online or by distributing at the local stores. As long as it targets the right audience.


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