Research: Subscription cards

 The publishing industry calls these things "blow-in" cards, and they've been around for years as a way to attract new subscribers .A loose insert card will sell the features of a subscription (but not the main benefits).

 Here are some typical features:
  • Is the magazine cheaper than newsstand prices?
  • Is there a free booklet, report or other free gift?
  • Are copies delivered to your door at no extra charge?
  • Will the subscriber never miss an issue?
  • Has the price has been massaged down to ‘just 42 pence a week’?
  • Can the subscriber pay later?
Things to consider :
  • What will your publication DO for the reader? Make a list.
  • Why does he or she need a full year’s subscription? Why won’t a single issue be enough?
  • What benefit will the reader miss out on if he / she doesn’t subscribe? How will it affect his life?
  • What benefit will the reader receive if he / she subscribes now, rather than later?


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