Research: Fonts and Logos

 Different magazines go with different fonts and color schemes in terms of their genre.

Most school magazines may be a clear giveaway of the genre they are trying to portray just by the title alone, so it is important to go with a font that is effective and understood by audiences.

For example, TEACH bases its ideology on delivering pragmatic tools and resources to k-12 grade educators. Since it targets teachers, with education as its basic genre, the logo is designed to look classy and casual. It's simple and straightforward to the audience it's for. The sans-serif font and the bright colour although makes it less formal, it also makes it less boring and appropriate for targeting teachers.

Campus, on the other hand, aims at young people with its student-oriented content. It features articles on an array of topics from education, to lifestyle, and local happenings, to stay relevant to its audience. The dark logo, designed to look like it's written on a piece of paper, creatively addresses college students. This is appropriate for the magazine's nature of addressing both fun and serious stuff in student life. The use of serif font likewise connotes formality.


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