Magazine Terminology

             Masthead - the title (the bit at the top of your magazine)

           Strap line - strapped across the front page to sell/promote a feature

           Cover mount - a gift mounted to the cover

           Sell lines/sky lines - labels on the top/bottom of the magazine.

           Main artist credit - the main artist's name (usually with picture) on front                        cover.

           Main image - main image on the front page

           Cover lines - labels on the front cover saying what will be in the magazine

           Left third - the third that will be seen on the shelf edge

           Barcode - contains information for retailing

           Issue number - the issue of the magazine

           Leading - the space between lines of text

           Tracking - the space between letters of text

           Modes of address - how the image makes contact with the reader         (direct/indirect)

           Representation - the construction of reality

           Stereotyping/ Typecasting - representing popular rather than accurate images

           Web address - the website address of the magazine

           Mise-en-scene - the props, lighting, costumes etc. that are used

           Lighting - an aspect of mise-en-scene used to create mood

           Angle - the angle at which a photograph is taken

           Composition - the elements that make up a shot

           Caption - a written line at the bottom of an image to fix meaning

           Anchoring - using captions etc. to fix the meaning of an image

           Connotations - the social, personal and cultural meanings associated with         signs

           Conventions - the features that are used in a text


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